
What is Laser Therapy? What types of conditions can be helped?

Our Class IV K-Laser is an exciting treatment alternative to help many painful conditions. Common conditions treated include: neck and back pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, plantar faciitis, soft tissue injuries, failed back surgery, sinus problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more.

How do Lasers work?

When the laser light is absorbed by the soft tissues, it triggers biological reactions in the cells. Chemical substances are produced, released and carried by the blood and lymphatic flow to other regions. In this way the effects of laser may achieve not only local effects but systemic effects. Some of the specific physiological effects include: reduction in pain by causing production of natural pain killers (endorphins); reduction in inflammation by suppressing inflammatory enzymes that create swelling, redness and heat; enhanced lymphatic drainage which increases circulation and speeds healing response; release of tight muscles that create pain, joint problems, and reduced mobility; faster bone repair by stimulating fibroblastic and osteoblastic proliferation. Lasers accelerate tissue repair and growth, improve nerve function, and reduce inflammation and scar tissue formation.

Will I feel anything? Is it safe?

The treatment is painless and totally non-invasive. The therapy is very safe.

How long do treatments take? How many treatments are needed

Treatments generally will take about 10 -15 minutes including pre and post procedures. The number of treatment required vary depending upon the problem, but generally 6-8 treatments over 2-3 weeks is common.

Will I notice immediate improvement?

Answer: Some patients do notice improvement even with their first treatment. The effects of laser therapy are cummulative with the beneficial affects building session to session.

Does insurance cover Laser Therapy? How much does a treatment cost?

Insurance currently does not cover laser therapy. Treatments are affordable. Similar to fees for spinal adjustments.

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7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 12:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm




7:30 am - 6:00 pm


By Appointment Only

